
Cthulhu Limericks promo video

In yet another blatant attempt to generate sales for my book Cthulhu Limericks, I created this promotional video, now live on the Bionic Eyes YouTube channel. You can check out the book in eBook and old school paperback formats through Amazon, Lulu, and other retailers.

The video has a rudimentary “plot” in which a reader picks up the book, and while reading a sample limerick is transported to a glitched out, eldritch world where Cthulhu darts forward to capture his prey!

Xmas is coming! Kill Claus! available as an eBook

Kill Claus!

In case you’re really sick of Christmas already, you might be interested in my book Kill Claus! A surreal science fiction tale inspired by bizarro fiction, the novel follows a young man named Sesam on a journey through a far distant, post-apocalyptic future in which “the Claus” is a fearsome monster that regularly culls the “human” population. After Sesam’s village is destroyed, he is forced to cross a forbidding landscape to get revenge on “the Claus.” On the way he runs into zombie Christmas trees, a mutant reindeer, flying jellyfish, a tribe of living snowmen, and many more strange creatures before he gets to the North Pole, where he must confront the Claus. A friend of mine called it the “most disturbing book” he’d ever read. High praise, indeed.

Kill Claus! is available in paperback and kindle formats from Amazon. Just follow the links if you’re interested. It’s also available from Lulu as a discounted paperback, an eBook in ePub format, and an eBook in PDF.

Cthulhu Limericks web ad launch

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Today an advertisement for Cthulhu Limericks went live on Azimov’s Magazine website. Look for it at the bottom of the page. The image links to the book’s Amazon page (just like the one above), where print and ebook versions can be purchased. As part of an experiment to see if I can generate some book sales, the ad will have a one month trial run. I created an initial version, but the magazine’s advertising department souped it up to the more dynamic ad that appears on the site.

Below is an image of the ad in context on the Azimov’s website, right next to L. Ron Hubbard!Screen Shot 2016-06-21 at 3.56.27 PM

Book ads appear in Asimov’s and Analog magazines

As part of a crazy scheme to attract a few readers and/or buyers, I took out a classified ad in Analog and Asimov’s science fiction magazines. They offer a pretty good deal for a three month run which includes placement in both print magazines and their e-book versions.

The ad contains a fairly simple message: CTHULHU LIMERICKS now available on Amazon, trade paperback by Jeff Bagato. 70+ rhymed poems exhume the LOL of Cthulhu, based on Lovecraft’s mythos. Check out novels by the same author, including The Toothpick Fairy and Dishwasher on Uranus.

The best part is that there are only a few other classified ads–as I suspected there would be. I believe this increases the impact the ad will have, on the theory it won’t have to compete amid a clutter of other messages on the page. Of course, whether anyone will look at that back page is unknown.

Advertising my self-published books is an experiment. It will be interesting to see if there anyone buys any books as a result.