tape sampling

Ten visual poems with asemic calligraphy published in Utsanga

utsanga 24 asemic poem

Issue 24 of Italian avant lit journal Utsanga was released yesterday, packed with great cutting edge works of asemic writing, text poems, vispo, videos, installation documentation, essays on poetics, and more. New stuff from Martina Stella, Francesco Aprile, John Bennett (many collaborations), Méryl Marchetti, Nico Vassilakis, Kiyomitsu Saito . . . So much good stuff it’s impossible to mention it al! Just go to their site and browse around!

I’m pleased to be included with ten visual poems from a series comprising a kind of diary from an extraterrestrial colony world, made with tape sampled imagery and asemic calligraphy. You can check them out here.

Ten visual poems published in Utsanga

utsanga 23-xtro asemic

The new issue of Utsanga (#23, March 2020) was released today, packed with visual poetry, asemic writing, text work and poetics to help us while away the quarantined hours. It’s one of the the major journals documenting the international literary avant garde, and a quick glance of this one reveals interesting work by John Bennett/Texas Fontanella, Mark Young, Judith Pauly-Bender, Axel Calatayud, Francesco Aprile…well, it will take a while to check it all out. I’m pleased that the issue includes ten of my visual poems from a series incorporating tape samples (from Chinese newspapers) and asemic writing. You can check it out here.

4 vispo published in Word For/Word

word for:word 34

An online journal for experimental writing and visuals, Word For/Word has emerged with snazzy new site design for its Winter 2020 issue, number 34. Big contributor’s list with many familiar names from across the international avant garde (see above). You can view the issue here.

It’s great to be part of this one with four visual poems I created by “sampling” newspapers with cellophane tape. My favorite of that whole batch is the one in the image above. My contributions can be viewed here.

5 asemic vispo published in Utsanga

utsanga-5 asemic vispo

Utsanga just released it’s third quarterly issue for the year, jammed with great cutting edge poetry and discussions of poetic possibility from across the international avant garde. I’m pleased to be represented with some new work–five vispo images with asemic writing. This is part of a much larger series that I completed this summer.

Check it out here.

Five visual poems published in Utsanga


Utsanga is an online journal for experimental literary work, edited from Italy. Utsanga #20 was released recently, filled with visual and textual work from across the international avant garde. According to the Facebook announcement:

“Utsanga.it: il numero 20, giugno 2019, è online con Wellington Amancio, Mariangela Guatteri, David Chirot, Anna Serra, Ruggero Maggi, Michael Filler, Nico Vassilakis, Kristine Snodgrass, Paolo Allegrezza, Carmine Lubrano, Martina Stella, Marcus Volz, Leo Barth, David Kjellin, Stephen Nelson, Jacob Kobina Ayiah Mensah, Karla Van Vliet, Vilde Valerie Bjerke Torset, Vitaldo Conte, Volodymyr Bilyk, Francesco Aprile, Simon Costello, Sacha Archer, Richard James Biddle, Oronzo Liuzzi, Nùria Martìnez Vernis, Nancy Scott Bell, Mark Young, Louis Crane, John M. Bennett, Tom Cassidy, Jeff Bagato, Hank Lazer, Giovanni Cardone, Giorgio Moio, Giorgia Romagnoli, George Sabov, Du Ru Xie Bai, Chris Turnbull, Cecelia Chapman, Jeff Crouch, Carla Hackenschmidt, Cal Priest, József Bíró, Bill Bissett, Annie Bergson, Anna Boschi, Alexander Limarev, Neus Borrell, Pierre Bastien i Nicodemes Mendes.”

I’m pleased to be included with five pieces of visual poetry from an early tape sample series. All the pieces were made by “sampling” daily newspapers using cellophane tape. You can check out the selection here.