analog electronics

Totem Codes’ song “Jasmine Hologram” released on YouTube

Music video for Totem Codes’ “Jasmine Hologram,” now on YouTube. This one isn’t technically part of the same video album, but it’s similar in synthpop feel and imagery. All analog electronics, using Arturia Matrix Brute and Drum Brute. Play loud with headphones for maximum bass response. Video created using analog tapes and long chain of analog and digital FX, re-amped from CRT TV using digital camera at HD setting. All video disintegration and pixilation intended!

Glitch video for Totem Codes’ “Siobhan” now on YouTube

Music video for Totem Codes’ “Siobhan,” the last track of a video album of new synth pop material. All analog electronics, using Arturia Matrix Brute and Drum Brute. Play loud with headphones for maximum bass response. Video created using analog tapes and long chain of analog and digital FX, re-amped from CRT TV using digital camera at HD setting. All video disintegration and pixilation intended!

Glitch video for Totem Codes’ “Flying Years” now on YouTube

Music video for Totem Codes’ “Flying Years,” another track of a video album of new synth pop material. All analog electronics, using Arturia Matrix Brute and Drum Brute. Play loud with headphones for maximum bass response. Video created using analog tapes and long chain of analog and digital FX, re-amped from CRT TV using digital camera at HD setting. All video disintegration and pixilation intended!

Glitch video for Totem Codes’ “Domino Magic” live on YouTube

Music video for Totem Codes’ “Domino Magic,” second track of a planned video album of new synth pop material. All analog electronics, using Arturia Matrix Brute and Drum Brute. Play loud with headphones for maximum bass response. Video created using analog tapes and long chain of analog and digital FX, re-amped from CRT TV using digital camera at HD setting. All video disintegration and pixilation intended!

Here’s the link to the video:

Glitch video for Totem Codes’ “Halo Child” live on YouTube

Music video for Totem Codes’ “Halo Child,” second track of a planned video album of new material. All analog electronics, using Arturia Matrix Brute and Drum Brute. Play loud with headphones for maximum bass response. Video created using analog tapes and long chain of analog and digital FX, re-amped from CRT TV using digital camera at HD setting. All video disintegration and pixilation intended!

Here’s the link to the video:

Music video for Totem Codes’ “Merry Little Kingdom”

Here’s the music video for Totem Codes’ “Merry Little Kingdom,” part of a planned video album. All analog electronics, using Arturia Matrix Brute and Drum Brute. Play loud with headphones for maximum bass response. Video created using analog tape and long chain of analog and digital FX, re-amped from CRT TV using digital camera at HD setting. All video disintegration and pixilation intended!

New glitch music video: Totem Codes “Death House”

Started making glitch videos again to go with some music I recorded a couple years ago. Here’s the first, for the song “Death House.” Putting it out there under my new project name Totem Codes. All analog electronics, using Arturia Matrix Brute and Drum Brute. Play loud with headphones for maximum bass response. Video created using analog tape and long chain of analog and digital FX, re-amped from CRT TV using digital camera at HD setting. All video disintegration and pixilation intended!

Here’s the YouTube link