Video, vispo and text published in Ranger

Ranger is a new literary magazine focusing on experimental text, visual and hybrid work from the editor of the defunct Angry Old Man journal. Ranger #2 was released on August 3, filled with experiments of all kinds. Witness the contents here. I’m pleased to be represented by a portfolio of new work including video, video stills/vispo, and text pieces.

My video “Phantom Broadcast” features asemic visual elements and an electronic soundtrack that includes asemic vocalizations. I pulled 20 stills from the video to demonstrate the asemic text. You can view this stuff here.

There are also seven text pieces, including “can’t go back,” “Good Times,” “It’s down to this,” “collect afraid,” “A Resource,” “There goes another angel,” and “Click the topic to access a collection of images.” You can read them here.

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